

One of my cats is in the animal hospital being treated for crystals in the urine. He has a partial blockage and will need to stay in hospital two nights at least. My poor Shadow.

His brother Boots is beside himself, so I hope Shadow will be able to come home tomorrow.



Sister’s playing nicely with some of little A’s gifts.


Little G enjoying the party.

Happy 4th birthday, sweetheart. I can’t believe how much you’ve grown.

A day of joy with a little sadness too. I missed you sister Samantha today, but I know she will always be an angel watching over you.


After having the crap kicked out of me by whatever that sickness was I had I finally feel better. I’m trying to feel more optimistic about things and truly fight some serious issues in my life. It seems to be working as I’ve actually found myself feeling happy for no reason these days – a rare thing in my life over the last several years.

I’ve started the Debbie Bliss pattern Easy Garter Stitch Cardigan for my cousin’s son Jackson (pic to come – of both the sweater and baby).  I’ve also got one more sweater on the roster for my newly arrived nephew, Cole. I haven’t decided which one I’m making for him yet.

So there you have it, I’m back and ready to post to this blog once more.


I can’t believe it but I haven’t been knitting except for a single dishcloth since my last post on August 20th. I have been very sick for the past two weeks with what I now suspect was bronchitis. The lack of energy made it impossible to do anything much less decide on a new knitting project. I’m still weak, tired and have a bit of a sore throat but I feel human again.

This weekend I’m going to pull out the stash and see if I have a pattern and yarn that want to make something beautiful. If not than it’s time to take a stab at designing something.


Okay I’ve come to realize that I’m just not into my red lace cardigan. I’ve made too many mistakes knitting it up and I keep putting it aside to do other things. The other night I actually knit a dish cloth instead of working on the red ‘thing’. I think I’m going to ditch the project and maybe re-visit my Celtic Sweater. It seems a bit of waste of all the knitting I’ve put in the project so far but I’m just not even liking the thing right now.


Well at least in the department of knitting. I’m still working on the red lace cardigan I started ages ago. I’m a few inches from the armholes. My biggest pet peeve about sweater patterns is how they tend to be too short so when I make my own pattern I always add an inch or two to the length. My cardigan is going to be 17 inches from the underarm to the hip not the usual 13 inches that I see so often. I’m not long waisted I just hate things sitting at the most unflattering area of my body, my stomach.

I hope to have some images once I start the armholes. I really want to get creating patterns again. Plus I need to think about Christmas gifts for people this year. Any suggestions on quick, nice Christmas gifts?


Here’s a little something other then knitting. I haven’t been knitting much the last week or so. I’ve been playing Guild Wars instead. Very bad I know, but sometimes a game helps clear my brain.


Here’s me at my in-laws 40th anniversary party.


And here’s little G just before we left for the party. This was the best I could do since she didn’t want her picture taken.


And here’s little A before the party. Unlike her sister she was more then willing to ham up for the camera.


I actually finished them last weekend, but I’ve been to busy to post or take pictures. I managed these two self-portraits – sorry they aren’t the greatest, but at least you can see them.

I did create a hem for the elastic which was the best decision I could have made. The p.j.s fit well and are very comfortable.

I would knit this again although now I know what yarn was used I’d substitute for a less expensive cotton.



It doesn’t look like much now but this is the left leg of the shorts which is almost done:


There is some short row shaping for – er, the behind. I’d never done short rows before so it was fun to learn something new. I can see lots of uses for short rows when creating my own patterns. I can’t wait to finish this so I can wear it.