
Still around

My apologies for not posting much lately. With Christmas coming and searching for another child to add to my daycare I’ve been busy. Plus I have a web site project on the go too. All good things. It’s difficult because I had hoped not to have anymore children in my care then I already do but we need the money badly. When you can’t pay all your bills you know money is a problem. That said I think we’re going to be okay, I really, really hope so. I would love nothing more then to be able to buy a house in the next 5 years. I don’t want to rent forever.

2 Comments to “Still around”

  1. I’ve only just discovered your site please don’t give up completely. I really like your posts and love the free knitting pattern for the child’s hat. I’m a complete newbie when it comes to knitting but I’m going to give it a go. Good luck with finding another child.


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