
Here’s the photo I promised of the back which is almost done. I lengthened the back a little because I can’t stand sweaters that aren’t long enough – really don’t want it showing my stomach every time I lift my arms.


Well I was going to post a photo of my progress on the Debbie Bliss fair isle sweater I’m making, but sadly I realized I had made a mistake and had to rip out the entire snowflake section which was done. It really helps to pay better attention to the pattern. I feel so silly. You’re supposed to be shaping the armholes as you are also knitting the snowflake chart and the heart chart. I did not do this and just knit straight up. Clearly I couldn’t just wing this mistake so rip, rip, rip. I am proud to say I didn’t shed any tears – a lot of profanity yes, but no tears.

The photo of my progress will come once I’ve finished the back piece.

In other crafting news I finally cleared the clutter from around my sewing machine and I hope to embark on some sewing projects this spring and summer. It’s about time I got back at it. I’m excited by all the great things I can make for the house, the girls and myself. Sewing will likely have more of an instant gratification than knitting which takes so much longer to complete.


Life is good. The new job is good. I’ve been very busy, but I’ve been finding the time to continue working on my sweater. All is good with the world. That is all.